No mere mortal could see more than a fraction of the vast 2007 Consumer Electronics Show, so we don’t pretend that this is a definitive list. But here are our choices for the 2007 CES Wootable Awards, with an assist from a few loyal Wooter correspondents:Worst Product Demo
Mom, it’s broken. Mom, it’s broken. Mom! It’s broken!
Most Unwarranted Self-Confidence
Label aside, we saw nothing to make us believe that this egg-shaped thing is, in fact, awesome.
Dumbest Typo
It’s OK if you don’t know how to spell “vacuum” off the top of your head. But if you’re making signage for the largest electronics convention in the world, you might want to grab a dictionary. Two U’s, one C, guys.
Grossest Product Name
Least Helpful Diagram
This really clears up the mobile-communications system, if you’ve got an hour to stand around deciphering it.
Most Embarrassing Typo (Tie)
We think they’re supposed to say “WalletFlash” and “world’s slimmest,” but we prefer these funnier variations. Of course, we just had to go out and buy – thanks for the free advertising, guys!
Most Awesome Universal Symbol Graphic
I, for one, am glad that CES has finally prohibited hitting babies in the head with your briefcase. It was fun while it lasted, but it was hell on their insurance rates.
Worst Signage
Don’t blow the whole marketing budget on one sign, guys.
Worst Comic Sans Abuse
WuR5t ph0Nt 3V4R!!1!
Clumsiest Correction
“What? There’s no ‘e’ in Blu-Ray? Hand me that gaffer’s tape.”
Worst Transportation
You can’t skate in a crowd, son. (photo by Littleredd)
Best “That’s What She Said” Slogan
Heh heh.
Laziest Booth Decor
We were really tempted to insert a photo of our own in this frame.
Most Disturbing Booth Decor
Mutilated hands? Dead trees? Do these little tchotchkes remind you of anything that isn’t depressing?
Most Uncomfortable Home Theater Seating
Just grab a backless, uncushioned cylinder and enjoy the show. Is this company getting kickbacks from a chiropractor or what?
Worst Fake Fireplace
About as homey as a hangar full of flourescent lights.
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